
Frank J. Dickeski


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Currently living - residing in Hampton, Virginia.

The years that I spent as a TD were some of the best times I can remember.  The year spent at NAS Millington in 1979-80 was great!  My shipmates and instructors that I met there are unforgettable.  Does anyone remember the farm, trips to the river, and the Square in Memphis!  In 1982 I was diagnosed with cancer and my shipmates from FASOTRAGRULANT stood by me all the way.  I can attest that due to their friendships, I am here now writing this piece.  Some of the names are, Butch Horn, Al Ellison, Hank Krebs, Mark Armogost, Jan Beyers, Cindy Bergeron, Theo Glass, Sean Henry, Sandro Gasparini, Chief Stamm, and the rest of the 2F106/2F110 crews.

My Last TRADEVMAN duty was: FASOTRGRULANT, Norfolk, Virginia.

For my friends and former shipmates, my e-mail address below is obscured to prevent harvesting by spam-bots.  It will be necessary for you to manually open your e-mail sender/client and type in my address.

E-Mail Address

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